ഭാരത സർക്കാർ സ്ഥാപനമായ ഇന്റലിജൻസ് ബ്യൂറോയിൽ നിരവധി തസ്തികകളിലേക്കുള്ള ഒഴിവുകൾ പ്രഖ്യാപിച്ചു.
12 തരത്തിലുള്ള വിവിധങ്ങളായ പോസ്റ്റുകളിൽ ഭാരതത്തിലുടനീളം 660 ഒഴിവുകൾ ആണ് ഉള്ളത്. അപേക്ഷകൾ സമർപ്പിക്കേണ്ട തീയതി 13 മാർച്ച് 2024 മുതൽ 12 മെയ് 2024 വരെയാണ്.
വിവിധങ്ങളായ ജോലികളും, അവയ്ക്ക് വേണ്ട വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ യോഗ്യതയും, പ്രായവും മറ്റും അടങ്ങുന്ന വിവരങ്ങളും താഴെ കൊടുത്തിരിക്കുന്നു.

- Organization: Intelligence Bureau
- Employer: Central Govt.
- Total Vacancies: 660
- Posting: All Over India
- Post Name: Personal Assistant
- Official Website: www.mha.gov.in
- Applying Mode: Online
- Last Date: 12.05.2024
Details Of Vacancies:
- Assistant Central Intelligence Officer-I/Executive – 80
- Assistant Central Intelligence Officer-II/Executive – 136
- Junior Intelligence Officer-I/Executive – 120
- Junior Intelligence Officer-II/Executive – 170
- Security Assistant/Executive – 100
- Junior Intelligence Officer-II/Tech – 08
- Assistant Central Intelligence Officer-II/Civil Works – 03
- Junior Intelligence Officer-I (Motor Transport) – 22
- Halwai & Cook – 10
- Caretaker – 05
- Personal Assistant – 05
- Printing Press Operator – 01
Qualification Details:
(i) Assistant Central Intelligence Officer-I/Executive: Candidates must have passed the Degree or the equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
(ii) Assistant Central Intelligence Officer-II/Executive: Candidates must have passed the Graduation or the equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
(iii) Junior Intelligence Officer-I/Executive: Candidates must have passed the 10th or the equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
(iv) Junior Intelligence Officer-II/Executive: Candidates must have passed the 10th or the equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
(v) Security Assistant/Executive: Candidates must have passed the 10th or the equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
(vi) Junior Intelligence Officer-II/Tech: Candidates must have passed the Diploma or the equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
(vii) Assistant Central Intelligence Officer-II/Civil Works: Candidates must have passed the BE/ B.Tech or the equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
(viii) Junior Intelligence Officer-I (Motor Transport): Candidates must have passed the 12th with a Driving License or the equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
(ix) Halwai & Cook: Candidates must have passed the 10th, Diploma or the equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
(x) Caretaker: Candidates must have passed the 10th or the equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
(xi) Personal Assistant: Candidates must have passed the 12th or the equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
(xii) Printing Press Operator: Candidates must have passed the 10th or the equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
Required Age Limit: Maximum Age: 56 Years
Salary Package: Rs. 19,900 – Rs.1,51,100/-
Mode of Selection:
- Merit List
- Interview
Application Fees: NIL
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വായിക്കാം: ഷാർജ ഇന്ത്യൻ സ്കൂളിൽ തൊഴിലവസരം